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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT


The Vista Concessions system has the advantage of mixed ticket and concession selling or separate selling points for each, due to the flexible design of the Vista Point of Sale. The introduction of an integrated Point of Sale has created a simpler, more attractive environment for customers. At the same time, queuing time is reduced and customer spend per head is increased. This integration also allows for a comprehensive and sophisticated analysis of cinema performance.


Features Include:


  • When using the system, operators can move rapidly between concession and ticket sales while retaining full visibility of the complete transaction at all times.
  • Complete user defined configuration of the concession sales environment.
  • Full refund system for concessions ensures stock accuracy.
  • Monitoring of the depletion of individual components of concession items enabled through recipe definitions.
  • Integrated scales for weight based/loose sale items.
  • Multiple cinema location inventories available.
  • Online stock updates provide realtime inventory balances.
  • Intuitive inventory re-order system - based on forecasted admissions figures, Vista can generate suggested re-order sheets for you.
  • Concessions can be sold from kiosks.

Food Service Options

  • Full kitchen system including kitchen monitor and kitchen printers.
  • Features & Options facility where the operator can offer a number of additional product choices based on the customers initial concessions selection (e.g. A number of pizza flavours can be offered [option], as well as a number of additional extras, like anchovies, cheese etc to be added on to the customers pizza at an additional price [feature]).
  • Tab Payment Function - particularly useful for ‘bar tab’ type processing, or for restaurant environments like Gold Class. Tabs can be created in POS, Mobile POS and Back Office.
  • Capturable order delivery information (e.g. what time a customer would like their concessions delivered during their movie, and any special requirements they may have).


Simple to Sophisticated Pricing Strategies

  • Base prices.
  • Discounts for groups (e.g. staff).
  • Price lists effective on a set date or time range (e.g. Happy Hour Price List).
  • Promotional price lists for special event pricing.
  • Concessions wastage can be recorded at the Point of Sale.
  • Circuit wide pricing can be controlled from Head Office.
  • Integrated stocktake system.

Multiple Transaction Types

  • Inter location transfers.
  • Inter cinema transfers.
  • Inwards goods receipts.
  • Wastage.





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