Sell theatre space across your circuit to companies or large groups with ease. Do you want to increase the usage of your theatre facilities for greater profit? Would you like a tool that helps you sell and is integrated with HeadOffice, VistaPOS and your CRM system? Vista Group Sales does all this and more. Overview Group Sales is a comprehensive group bookings system that allows users to book and sell theatre space to large groups or distributors for previews. Additionally, Group Sales is a sales tool. It handles quotes, invoicing, uses pricing and Box Office information from Head Office, integrates with Cinema, Film Programming, CRM system’s and is web-based for ease of access. Key Benefits
Quick Facts
Bookings Group Sales breaks large bookings into three different types.
Vista’s Group Sales system provides an overview of upcoming group bookings that managers will greatly appreciate. Better visibility of events will help manager’s improve their overall customer service to clients. With reduced scheduling conflicts out of the way, cinema and functions spaces can be used to their maximum potential. With an increased utilisation of theatre space, cinemas can create better opportunities for increased sales and better follow-up processes for group sales will aid in the reduction of lost business and will help cinemas achieve greater profit margins. |
Vista Group Sales Diagram