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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Tracks Field Service

TRACKS Field Service enables field service companies to maintain and service facilities that are geographically dispersed.

The TRACKS Field Service application's four functionalities include:

Job Dispatchment
Same as TRACKS Courier. Also allows users to access information such as product information, spare parts information, warranty information, service agent information, service history and complaint type.

Query and Report Generation
Allows managers to perform on-line enquiries or generate performance and analysis reports.

Service Activity Management
Allows service agents to complete a service report that includes information such as status of service, actions taken, the quantity and charges of spare parts used and customer payments. Using a rugged device, the agent may also capture signatures. All this information is wirelessly transmitted to the backend system for processing.

Contractor Management
Web-based interface for contractors to access assigned job information.

Technical components

  •     Pocket PC mobile application for field service
  •     Wireless connectivity to the backend office
  •     Office dispatching application that is comprehensive and easy to use
  •     Databridge ready for integration to backend systems

Value-add to customers

Like TRACKS Courier and TRACKS Logistics, the benefits of TRACKS Field Service are derived from the automation of the dispatching process.

They include: increased productivity, reduced costs, increased timeliness, and improved customer service. Added benefits are that field service agents have quicker access to customer, warranty, spare parts and service information, which makes their service calls more productive and ultimately leads to higher customer satisfaction.

Target Clients

TRACKS Field Service is targeted at companies that need to maintain facilities and equipment across a wide geography, examples include companies in the air conditioning, facilities and elevator servicing industry as well as office automation industries that have various equipment and facilities at client sites that require maintenance.

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