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Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Trang chủ PHẦN MỀM Phần mềm khác Graphic / Design Autodesk Inventor 2013 Commercial New SLM

Autodesk Inventor 2013 Commercial New SLM

Autodesk Inventor 2013 Commercial New SLM

Mã sp: SW4000
Nhãn hiệu: Software
Giá bán: Call
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Chia sẻ :
3D CAD và mô phỏng cho thiết kế cơ khí
Sản phẩm phần mềm Autodesk® Inventor® 3D CAD cung cấp một cách toàn diện, bộ linh hoạt của phần mềm thiết kế 3D cơ khí, mô phỏng sản phẩm, sáng tạo dụng cụ, kỹ sư để đặt hàng, và truyền thông thiết kế. Inventor sẽ đưa bạn vượt 3D Digital Prototyping bằng cách cho phép bạn tạo ra một mô hình 3D chính xác mà có thể giúp bạn thiết kế, hình dung và mô phỏng các sản phẩm của bạn trước khi chúng được xây dựng. Digital Prototyping với Inventor giúp các công ty thiết kế sản phẩm tốt hơn, giảm chi phí phát triển, và có được thị trường nhanh hơn.


Special Offers

Design Complex Assemblies Faster

 See how you can streamline the way you work with large and complex assemblies.

It is easy to experience the tools within Autodesk® Inventor® and Autodesk® Inventor Professional® 3D CAD modeling software. These features are best used for mechanical engineering design, assembly design, data management, product, and motion simulation, routed systems, finite element analysis, mold design, and enhanced CAD productivity. View demo videos to learn more about the following features:

What’s New in Inventor 2013

With the latest 2013 version of Inventor 3D CAD software, you can integrate 2D AutoCAD® software drawings and 3D data into a single digital model. This creates a virtual representation that can enable you to validate the form, fit, function, and environmental impact of the product before it is ever built. We listened to you and improved our accessibility features, training tutorials, drawing capability, sketching tools, AutoCAD compatibility, and customization features.


View video about Wiki Help and it works. Video (48 sec)

Mechanical Engineering Tools for Improved Accessibility
Autodesk® Inventor® 2013 3D CAD software helps you go further with more tools and options including context-sensitive menus and more direct manipulation of your 3D models.


View image of start-up screen for your Inventor 2013 training.

Current Interactive Video Tutorials
When starting Inventor 2013, new users quickly get up to speed and existing users are reminded to build their Inventor skills.  You will be able to customize the screen and upload your own tutorials— quickly mastering the features of Inventor 2013 through online videos, interactive tutorials, demonstrations, and step-by-step text instructions. To view this extended interface. For immediate help on Inventor 2011, 2012 or 2013 versions.


View video of parts design tools like 3D sketching. (49 sec)

Productivity Enhancements
Inventor 2013 users will benefit from numerous user-requested enhancements in the creation of


Image of 3D sketching of part and menu ribbon in CAD software.

New Sketching Tools
Inventor 2013 supports user productivity with powerful new sketching tools like Dynamic Trim/Extend, options such as Arc length dimensioning, and other 3D CAD modeling tasks.


View video about CAD compatibility, and workflow. (1:03 min.)

Streamline Drawing Tasks
Drawings are one of the most important ways in which manufacturers and mechanical engineers communicate.  Inventor 2013 CAD software streamlines many drawing-related tasks and 3D CAD modeling functionality. 


View image of detailed section view of part with AutoCAD file.

Compatible with AutoCAD Files
Inventor 2013 enables you to create detailed views from AutoCAD files, including base, orthographic, section, and broken views, and also increases productivity through associative symbols and annotation. Practice CAD file compatibility through the Autodesk Wiki Help.


View video of how Autodesk Apps solve challenges. (30 sec)

Customize Inventor 2013 with Apps
Expand the use of your Inventor designs by using one of 30 apps available within Inventor. These companion apps help design professionals find and download solutions to some of the most pressing design challenges.  Learn how to take advantage of these apps through the Autodesk Wiki Help.


View image of configurations done in the cloud.

Extend the Value of Inventor with Subscription
Add-on Autodesk® Subscription to any Inventor software and reap more enhancements for Inventor 2013.  Take advantage of Subscription with Autodesk® 360 cloud computing capabilities. Increase mobility, improve collaboration, optimize your designs, and work anywhere at anytime. 


View video about Autodesk 360 cloud-based services. (47 sec.)

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