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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

AVG Internet Security 2011

AVG Internet Security 2011

Mã sp: SW1008
Nhãn hiệu: Software
Giá bán: Call
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Chia sẻ :

Bảo vệ tối ưu cho tất cả mọi thứ bạn làm trực tuyến

AVG Internet Security cung cấp nhiều lớp bảo vệ cho tất cả mọi thứ bạn làm trực tuyến, có nghĩa là bạn không phải lo lắng về hành vi trộm cắp danh tính, virus, hoặc truy cập vào các trang web có hại.
AVG bảo vệ Mây Công nghệ và AVG Community Protection Network được bao gồm, có nghĩa là chúng tôi thu thập các thông tin đe dọa mới nhất và chia sẻ với cộng đồng của chúng tôi để đảm bảo rằng bạn nhận được sự bảo vệ tốt nhất.
Cửa hàng và ngân hàng trực tuyến một cách an toàn với AVG Firewall, AVG Anti-Spam & AVG Identity Protection ™
Giữ an toàn trên các mạng xã hội với AVG Social Networking Protection - NEW!
Surf và tìm kiếm một cách tự tin với AVG LinkScanner's® bảo vệ thời gian thực
Shop and bank with confidenceAVG Firewall (enhanced for AVG 2011) and AVG Identity Protection™

Provides additional layers of security, keeping your private information safe at all times.

AVG’s Firewall protects you from malicious attacks by examining communications on each network port. It recognizes all attempts to invade your system and blocks them immediately, keeping both you and your private information safe.

AVG Identity Protection™ is the outer layer of security, keeping your personal information safe by shielding your passwords, credit card numbers, and other digital valuables from prying eyes. AVG Identity Protection uses the latest behavioural technologies to identify software that behaves strangely and stop it before it can do any damage.
Block spammers and scammersAVG Anti-Spam

Marks all unwanted emails as spam, protecting you from online scams and keeping your inbox clutter free.

AVG Antispam checks all incoming email messages and marks unwanted emails as spam, protecting you from online scams. AVG 2011 now supports Microsoft Outlook 2010, which includes a spam toolbar to help you keep your inbox clutter free.
Download, share files and chat safelyAVG Online Shield™

Download and share files without risk of infection. You are also protected when you exchange files through online chat.

AVG Online Shield™ allows you to download, share and exchange files without risk of virus infection by checking files against both AVG’s scanning engine and LinkScanner technologies. You are also protected when you exchange files using ICQ, MSN and Yahoo! Instant Messenger.
Stay protected on social networksAVG Social Networking Protection

Automatically checks links exchanged on Facebook and MySpace in real time so that you and your friends stay safe. NEW!

AVG Social Networking Protection is new for AVG 2011 and is unique to AVG. Links that are exchanged within Facebook and MySpace are automatically checked in real time so that you and your friends are safe. AVG Social Networking Protection will activate as soon as you install AVG - there’s no need to bother with account or application settings.
Support and assistance

Our technical experts are available to help with any problems you might have.

Standard support is included and is always available. It includes the ability to email a query, search our FAQs, or browse our Knowledge Base for answers to your questions.
Scan smarter and fasterAVG Smart Scanning works while you play

AVG 2011’s scans are 3 times faster than previous versions. AVG Smart Scanning works while you’re away and runs in low-priority mode when you return.

AVG Smart Scanning makes sure you can work and play without being interrupted. It starts scanning in high-priority mode whenever you leave your PC and switches to low-priority mode, using minimal resources, every time you move your mouse or push a key on your keyboard. Scans are now much faster as well because AVG Smart Scanning doesn’t waste time scanning the trusted files it knows are safe.
Keep tough threats outAVG Protective Cloud Technology, AVG Community Protection Network and AVG Anti-Spyware

AVG’s core layers of protection make sure you can’t receive or unintentionally spread even the toughest threats.


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