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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Trang chủ PHẦN MỀM Phần mềm khác Backup CA ARCserve Backup r12 File Server Suite

CA ARCserve Backup r12 File Server Suite

CA ARCserve Backup r12 File Server Suite

Mã sp: SW1038
Nhãn hiệu: Software
Giá bán: Call
Bình chọn:
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Chia sẻ :
  CA ARCserve Backup Suites combine agents and options needed to backup a particular type of server into a single suite, enabling you to reduce the complexity of procurement, installing, managing and tracking software product licensing keys  

CA ARCserve Backup Suites
Base , Agent for Open file / Netware , Client Agent for Unix , Client Agent for Window , Client Agent for Mac OS X , Client Agent for Netware ,  Client Agent for Linux , Disk Staging Option , Disaster Recovery Option , Tape Library Option , NDMP NAS Option , SAN Option , Tape RAID Option, Optical Library Option, Serverless Backup Option, Enterprise Option for Open VMS, Enterprise Option for AS/400, Enterprise Option for StorageTek ACSLS, Enterprise Option for IBM 3494, Enterprise Option for VSS Hardware Snap-shot, Enterprise Option for MS SQL using HDS & HP - XP Snap Shot.

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