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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Call Centre

Vista’s Call Centre software provides you with the flexibility to run your own call centre, outsource it, or have a mixture of both.

Vista Call Centre provides the operator with a quick clean interface, allowing them to easily relay information to customers about show times, pricing, cinema information and film details. Being a completely web based solution, Vista Call Centre can be operated by cinemas, call centres, or even home workers. It is fully integrated with the cinema’s box office and loyalty systems, allowing the call centre to sell down to the last ticket and allocate seats.

Features Include:

  • Customer seat selection supported online.
  • Real time seat booking across the cinema circuit.
  • An internet base which allows it to be used by a variety of staff.
  • Supports credit, debit and stored value card payments.
  • All transactions are included in the cinema daily cash book and sales.
  • Integrates with Vista or 3rd party loyalty systems.
  • User definable pages and scripted prompts for operators.




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