With K-class flex, individual components such as the printer, touch screens and weighing terminals can be freely combined to create space-saving individual solutions. Anything is achievable – from an info-terminal with or without a printer to a cash register function alone or a full weighing function. Take advantage of these new and previously unseen uses. Stand-alone or new counter concepts within one weighing system – all in the same attractive design and centrally controllable from the back office, like the entire K-class series, using the Bizerba.RetailFramework software. The separable nature of the display and load receptor means that every K-class flex variation can be flexibly adapted to the operating procedures in question. And the fact that the printer, cash register drawer and central processing unit can be stored under the counter means that only a small area of space is required for the device. Whether used with or without scales, K-class flex integrates perfectly and ergonomically into any setting. All components of the cash register/weighing solutions such as the display and printer are fitted with standard VESA mounts to secure them to the support system. A whole new level of flexibility in functionality,ergonomics and positioning – simply install and operate K-class flex includes:
User scales in a space-saving and ergonomic design:
Counter cash registers as an additional cash register point within the weighing system
Cash register for checkout lines with checkout scale integrated in conveyor
Cash register with scale for fruit and vegetables
Price labelling terminal with advertising option
Info-terminal, e.g. about food services/party services or consumer advice
Everything you always wanted:
Continuous operation from the scales to the cash register
One method of operation for all scales and cash registers
Data management for the cash register, scales, info-terminal and cash accounting from one device
Central evaluation of the inventory management and cash accounting
No open tickets at the end of the day
Use of Bizerba values and advertising for cross-selling and upselling