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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Cash Desk

Vista Cash Desk allows complete and secure tracking of cash and other value items whether they are in the safe, at the point of sale, in transit, or elsewhere.

Vista Cash Desk has been specifically designed for the tracking of issues and receipts of any type of value item including cash, cheques, vouchers, and other payment types. The recording of miscellaneous income such as games machines and petty cash is also covered.

Designed for maximum ease of use with a drag and drop interface within a workbench window, the Cash Desk module delivers security and efficiency to cinema cash reconciliation and management. The graphical workbench shows the status of funds in transit (users not yet logged on, or users logged off but not yet cashed up), and logged on users, as well as external sales devices such as ATMs, IVR systems, or web servers.

Features Include:

  • Multiple business days can be open and active simultaneously allowing 24-hour operation.
  • The total cinema funds can be viewed and reported at any time.
  • Floats can be made up and issued prior to initiating a user session, or can be created on the fly at the POS as the operators log on. POS logon allows confirmation of the float amounts by the operator.
  • Drops or Pulls from a POS session can be initiated at the POS or using Cash Desk.
  • Supports the replenishment of funds while the POS session is active.
  • The reconciliation process allows funds to be tracked by quantity, value or both.
  • Supports many different payment methods and denomination types and reconciliation.
  • Deposits can be tracked right through to courier pickup or dispatch process.
  • A full audit trail of all transactions and users is available.
  • Seamlessly integrated into the rest of the Vista cinema system.

The Vista Cash Desk module is so simple and easy to use, that when the end of day is processed cinema managers can rest easy that the number they see are the ones that matter.



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