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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Trang chủ MÁY TÍNH & MÁY CHỦ Thiết bị mạng Cisco Routers Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers

Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers

Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers

Mã sp: Cisco1900
Nhãn hiệu: Cisco
Giá bán: Call
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Chia sẻ :
The Cisco 1921 builds on the best-in-class offering of the Cisco 1841 Integrated Services Routers. All Cisco 1900 Series Integrated Services Routers offer embedded hardware encryption acceleration, optional firewall, intrusion prevention, and advanced security services. In addition, the platforms support the industry's widest range of wired and wireless connectivity options such as Serial, T1/E1, xDSL, Gigabit Ethernet, and third-generation (3G) wireless (Figure 1).
Benefits Description
Service integration • The Cisco 1921 offers increased levels of services integration with data, security, wireless, and mobility services, enabling greater efficiencies and cost savings.
Services on demand • A single Cisco IOS Software Universal image is installed on each ISR G2. The Universal image contains all of the Cisco IOS Software technology sets that can be activated with a software license allowing your business to quickly deploy advanced features without downloading a new Cisco IOSSoftware image. Additionally, larger default memory is included to support the new capabilities.
High performance with integrated services • The Cisco 1900 Series enables deployment in high-speed WAN environments with concurrent services enabled up to 15 Mbps.
Network agility • Designed to address customer business requirements, the Cisco 1921 with the modular architecture offers a performance range of modular interfaces and services as your network needs grow.
  • Modular interfaces offer increased bandwidth, a diversity of connection options, and network resiliency.
Energy efficiency • The Cisco 1921 architecture provides energy-savings features that include the following:
  • The Cisco 1900 Series offers intelligent power management and allows you to control power to the modules based on the time of day. Cisco EnergyWise technology will be supported in the future.
  • Services integration and modularity on a single platform performing multiple functions optimizes raw-materials consumption and energy usage.
  • Platform flexibility and ongoing development of both hardware and software capabilities lead to a longer product lifecycle, lowering all aspects of the TCO, including materials and energy use.
  • High-efficiency power supplies are provided with each platform.
Investment protection • The Cisco 1921 maximizes investment protection by supporting:
  • Reuse of a broad array of existing modules supported on the original integrated services routers (ISRs) provides a lower TCO.
  • A rich set of Cisco IOS Software features is carried forward from the original ISRs and delivered in the universal image.
  • This router gives you the flexibility to grow as your business needs evolve.

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