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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

CommonTime mNotes Wireless

CommonTime mNotes Wireless

Mã sp: SW6002
Nhãn hiệu: Software
Giá bán: Call
Bình chọn:
(Rating:4 - View 1264)
Chia sẻ :
  mNotes Wireless is a complete single user Mobile Email Solution for the busy professional who relies on real time access to corporate information when they are out of the office.  


mNotes Wireless is compatible with our largest ever range of mobile devices allowing you full access to your business tools on the device of your choice.

Compatible Device Operating Systems

mNotes Wireless works by synchronizing via your chosen connection method (e.g. WiFi/cellular), from your PC to your mobile device to give you real time updates using the highest standards in mobile data security.

As a mNotes customer you also have the peace of mind that should you ever need help, you have access to our online email based support service.

Features of mNotes Wireless

  • Get real time access to email, contacts, calendar updates, to do lists and Sametime while off site, improving communications and productivity. 
  • Access to multiple calendars and email accounts, which can support Word, PowerPoint and Excel attachments.
  • Fully customize your settings to choose when and how frequently you retrieve updates, allowing you to manage your costs at home and abroad. 
  • Install without any IT support, no need to configure your corporate firewall like most corporate email solutions.

Benefits of mNotes Wireless

  • An affordable solution that will help you improve communications, productivity and service levels
  • Increase customer satisfaction and revenue generation by having all of your important information to hand – everywhere!
  • Maximize your investment in your device by having all your business tools in one place
  • Complete peace of mind that your personal and corporate information is always fully secure
  • Investment in a solution that will continue to develop as new mobile technology evolves

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