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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Trang chủ Bán lẻ Retail Solutions Aralco Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management


ARALCO's CRM is extremely comprehensive and interacts with all modules and POS systems in real time. With its customer-centric features, this tool can help boost profits in the long run by enhancing customer retention.


  • Fully user-definable customer input screen allows for collection of information that is as detailed as required
  • You can now record and keep data about customer sizes, color, brand and style preference, product categories, birth dates, occupation and any other information, to establish a demographic profile in the CRM database, enabling analysis of buying pattern, preferences. This information ensures a consistent customer experience across stores and employe
  • Establish in-store or business-to-business customer accounts to track payment, credit limit, job details, and account informatio
  • Interactive with Account Receivable 
  • Searches can be done by any data field 
  • Access to customer sales histories to help sales staff better service your clients 
  • Targeted mailings are streamlined using system-generated letters, envelope labels and emails 
  • Auto-execution of pre-defined discounts by customer groups at the POS 
  • Interactive with Loyalty Program 
  • Collect customer information during a transaction, or at a later time or date 
  • ARALCO POS integrates with web-camera so that you can create personalized photo membership or loyalty card in-store, setting your store apart from competitors  
  • Printing of membership and loyalty cards directly from ARALCO to Zebra PVC card printer with magnetic card encoding option. 
  • Membership cards can be issued by phone number, account number, passport/IC number or any other information.  

Fully interactive with Microsoft Outook

  •  Retrieve member's messages in both Inbox and Sent Mail from Outlook directly from Customer Maintenance 
  • Create reminder in Outlook Calender directly from a member's tab in the Customer Maintenance 
  • Send HTML report by email on reward point status or any info to a customer or group of customers
  • Mass email marketing and broadcasting to selected group of customers targeted from the demographic profile to draw them to your retail stores
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