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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Food and beverage

The hotel food and beverage (F&B) business moves quickly and unpredictably, and it's hard to control supplies and stock across multiple catering facilities and locations. Not only that, staff turnover is high, so new employees must quickly master in-house restaurant software. A scalable F&B solution will free your staff to give every guest VIP service.

Infor10 SoftBrands Hospitality can help. Our point-of-sale (POS) F&B software:

  • Eliminates errors between your servers and kitchen staff.
  • Identifies the most popular menu items.
  • Handles stock control requirements for any size hotel restaurant.
  • Boosts service, productivity, and profits.
  • Gets servers up and running quickly and reliably.

Developed with a touch-screen, user-centric approach, Infor10 SoftBrands Hospitality is easy for servers, managers, and owners to learn and use, whether they work in front of the house, in the kitchen, or in the back office. Fully modular and highly scalable, Visual Restaurant helps operate every food service or profit center on your properties-wired or wireless—including:

  • Room service
  • Bars
  • Restaurants
  • Patios
  • Banquets
  • Retail stores

In addition, Infor10 SoftBrands Hospitality supports multiple operational styles:

  • Table service
  • Fast casual
  • Takeout
  • Fine dining
  • Service bar

Infor10 SoftBrands Hospitality integrates with other Infor-SoftBrands solutions, so you can access all the vital information you need. Using our customer loyalty, reservation, and wait-list management modules, you can keep track of reservations, better utilize tables, and provide better customer service.

Even better, because Infor10 SoftBrands Hospitality food and beverage software is flexible and scalable, you can customize it to create the solution that's right for you.

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