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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

General Merchandise


Industry Challenges

In today’s challenging retail environment, customers have more choices and purchasing power than ever before.

To meet the demands of this increasingly sophisticated market, retailers are seeking business solutions to enhance the shopping experience, increase revenue and improve margins, and reduce costs to maintain or enhance competitive advantage.

Whether the store focuses on product distribution or services, retailers are seeking solutions to overcome the challenges in managing multiple sales channels, increase their ability to innovate the shopping experience, find the right merchandise mix, while integrating a range of technology systems.

Retailer's Needs

The POS system is most mission-critical for a retail store. The combination of hardware and software system deployed by retailers today is the key to enhancing the customer’s shopping experience, increasing productivity and driving sales.

For today’s retailers, ongoing success hinges on having a POS system that can interact seamlessly with other systems across stores or other sales and marketing channels. The capture and then exchange of data across systems has to work seamlessly to ensure the right information can be accessed by decision makers where and when they need it.

The Solution

WnGM is a software solution for general merchandise retailers dealing in a variety of goods. This can range from furniture to home appliances through to cosmetics and DIY hardware stores.

The solution provides retail software for point-of-sale and retail management, supporting retailers to operate more effectively, with a proven return on their technology investment. Our cost effective software, WnGM is bundled with Wincor Nixdorf’s POS system to offer general merchandise retailers a complete in-store retail system.


  • Real time visibility of stock across all locations to reduce missed sales opportunities
  • Intuitive graphical interface for ease of use and reducing training costs
  • Extract customer transaction data to enable future targeted promotions
  • Powerful reporting system that allows information to be accessed anytime and anywhere
  • Works as a standalone software solution or integrated into e-commerce
  • A scalable solution that will grow as your business needs change
  • Integrates with widely used industry-standard accounting software

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