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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

LS Retail.NET


LS Retail is reaching out to small retail operations with a fresh line of products, LS Retail .NET . Another alternative is to use them as the best front end for other ERP systems. The pricing will be attractive and we are encouraging our partners to sign up for this adventure with us.

LS POS is a .NET based POS that handles all necessary POS operations in a retail environment and is very open for any specific modifications. It handles discounts, discount combinations known from LS Retail NAV but not quite all the loyalty combinations – yet. On the other hand, all integrations can be prepared for this type of POS – such as connection to mobile phone operators and selling pre-paid account for instance. Just remember: anything than can be triggered at the POS level can be connected to LS POS.

Store Controller

The Store Controller is a light weight back office system based on .NET. Initially there is a single store controller; later in 2011 our plan is to release a multiple store controller functionality which will be able to handle many store locations.

In the first phase, the single store controller takes care of basic back office functionality for a single store with one or more LS POSs.

  • Store & terminal setup 
  • Purchasing
  • Inventory Management and Goods Receiving
  • Hospitality functions
  • Stock Counting 
  • ERP Connector
  • Reports

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