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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Cipherlab 8400 Series

Cipherlab 8400 Series

Mã sp: 8400 Series
Nhãn hiệu: Cipherlab
Giá bán: Call
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(Rating:4 - View 1241)
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Máy kiếm kho Cipherlab 8400 Series

The 8400 mobile computer enables smarter decisions and improves business agility by taking powerful data applications directly to the point of work. Wireless Bluetooth® capabilities give easy access to peripherals and servers, keeping workers in-touch and always a step ahead of the task at hand. The largest-in-class backlit, 2.6-inch, 160x160 pixel display makes work simple, even in dark corners. Drops, humidity, or freezing temperatures won't stop the CipherLab 8400 mobile computer. It's built tough to work on the edge.





4 MB Flash / 4 MB or 16 MB SRAM


micro SD slot with SDHC support

Barcode scanning

Linear imager / Laser / 2D imager


160 x 160 display, white LED backlight


29 or 39 rubber keys, white LED backlight

Dimensions L x W x H

170.6 x 72.1 x 40.6 mm / 6.7 x 2.8 x 1.6 in

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