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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Product Setup

Designed to accommodate both small retailers and multinationals, ARALCO’s Product Setup is comprehensive and highly flexible in meeting your all your inventory needs: may-quet-ma-vach

  • User definable product codes 
  • Support multiple bar codes (manufacturer, supplier code etc) per product for look up and scanning at the POS  
  • Multiple suppliers per product
  • Multi-zone pricing 
  • Promotion pricing
  • Customer group pricing
  • Bin number
  • Weight and weight volume
  • Alert message for reminders, upsell at the POS
  • Minimum and maximum stock level by store and company level
  • Grid inventory (by color/ size/ width etc.) for apparel, footwear, lingerie
  • Price Jump for furniture industry
  • Serial number for product's warranty tracking
  • Weight and Measure (buy in kilo and sell in grams etc) for deli, grocery
  • Product configuration tools for rental (setup by the hour, week or months)
  • Product image and sound recording for training, multi-media applications 
  • User definable product information 
  • User definable definition and categorization (unlimited number of categories ie brand, season, collection, material etc) 
  • Linkage to reward point plan 
  • Non-inventory items and services (postage, repair, grooming etc)
  • Salesperson commissions % or dollar value attached directly to products
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