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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Raptor Point of Sales



Raptor Point of Sales (POS) was designed to be quick and easy to use. The POS / Point of Sales interface screens are carefully designed so that all type of transactions will take the minimum number of screen touches. For instance, a bartender would only require only two key presses to sell a beer to a guest at the bar. After all, isn’t the hospitality industry all about providing excellent service? Every click on the screen is captured which provides unparalleled security. With a full audit feature in the Raptor backoffice, every change in price / promotion is captured too, gone are the days when changes are made in the system and no one knows who did it.

Raptor Point of Sales / POS software provides you the ability to quickly train a waiter, new cashier or even a new manager. All transactions are executed based on a logical process, which incorporates screen layouts that makes the next key press almost predictable. This means with the reduced training times, your staff can spend more time serving customers instead, and this of course will contribute to the success of your establishment.


1 Quick Order The ability to perform a quick sale without having to open a table.
2 Table Service Alphanumeric table numbering for table service environment.
3 Take away order The ability to perform take away orders with no service charge.
4 Deliveries Additional delivery charge for orders.
5 Combined orders Dine in orders and take away orders can be put in 1 bill with the different service charge and taxes.
6 Covers Function to record number of persons on each table.
7 PLUs Unlimited number of items. 
8 Menu/Item Easy access to menus and items.  Multiple pages available.
9 Open PLUs / Price User is able to enter description and price from POS when needed.
10 Link Menu Link menu available for items with condiments and choice combinations
11 Kitchen Order To send items to the respective kitchen printers.
12 Modifiers Allows users to attached kitchen instructions to individual item.
13 Kitchen Talk Allows user to send message to kitchen printers.
14 Voids

All Void – voids entire balanced bill.
Last Item Void – voids last item ordered.
Select Void – able to select items in bill to void.

** Number of voids can be controlled and defined for each individual operator.
15 Refund To refund item or bill…normally due to wrong billing such as over charge.
16 Bill Adjust Able to adjust the payment type after bill has been settled.  Eg. Amex amend to Visa.
17 Transfer table To transfer contents of one table to another or merge more than one table bill to one.
18 Transfer Item Ability to transfer item to another bill or table.
19 FOC/ENT Bill or Item To settle a bill as “free-of-charge” for complimentary to guest or entertainment purposes. Taxes will not be included.
20 Promotions Automatic or manual promotion.  User can preset a promotion that will activate based on date/time defined by user. Buy X Free Y, Buy X Pay Y, Vouchers, Group discounts, Rebates (Spend $X, receive $Y rebate)
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