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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Trang chủ PHẦN MỀM Operating Systems Red Hat Enterprise Linux server Advanced Platform-Standard (unlimited sockets) 1 year

Red Hat Enterprise Linux server Advanced Platform-Standard (unlimited sockets) 1 year

Red Hat Enterprise Linux server Advanced Platform-Standard (unlimited sockets) 1 year

Mã sp: SW8005
Nhãn hiệu: Software
Giá bán: Call
Bình chọn:
(Rating:4 - View 1780)
Chia sẻ :

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Platform provides a complete, integrated server and storage virtualization environment, offering the highest levels of deployment flexibility and application availability.

Virtualization Support in Red Hat Enterprise Linux


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