ARALCO Sales Order module allows fast creation and fulfillment of customers' orders against real-time inventory information at the POS or workstation.
Sales Order Processing for In-Store Customers
- In each order, customer information, products ordered, due dates are recorded and the system allows partial pickup, part payments and deposits at any location.
- Retail staff can retrieve orders easily at the POS for viewing or adjustments and to seamlessly convert the order to sales receipt accurately when ordered goods are picked up, and paid fully by customers at the POS.
Sales Order Processing for Charge Account Customers
- If you have in-house charge account for your in-store customers, franchisee or even wholesale B2B customers, you are able to process sales order against real-time information on credit limit, account status and balance, purchase history look-up.
- ARALCO reduces your administrative processes significantly - simply generates pick lists with bin locations, volume weight and customer shipping documents directly from the sales order, thereby eliminating data re-entry process. As a result, sales orders are fulfilled on time and the transaction cycle is completed with automatic billing to payment and ageing processing with ARALCO Accounts Receivable System.
- Sales order information is always at your fingertips as to what is being ordered, when and what needs to be shipped or picked up by your customer.
Quotation Processing
Quotation comes standard with Sales Order module. Quotations are easily retrievable by the user for adjustments. Upon confirmation by your customer, you are able to seamlessly convert the quotation to sales order or invoice for shipment or pick up by the customer at the store.