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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Trang chủ CÂN ĐIỆN TỬ Cân Điện Tử Bizerba Cân BizerbaTerminals Basic Terminal BT in a stainless steel housing for simple weighing and control functions.

Basic Terminal BT in a stainless steel housing for simple weighing and control functions.

Basic Terminal BT in a stainless steel housing for simple weighing and control functions.

Mã sp: BZB1001
Nhãn hiệu: Bizerba
Giá bán: Call
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Chia sẻ :

Cân điện tử Bizerba BZB1001

A basic terminal in stainless steel housing which optimises processes in all corporate fields: in the in-coming goods department, in production, during quality assurance in warehousing department as well as in packaging and shipping departments.

With the versatile industrial terminal BT, numerous requirements can be optimised in an easy, fast and cost-saving way. The industrial terminal BT has its main fields of application in:

Higher efficiency at the workplace

  • control
  • commissioning
  • filling processes
  • packaging
  • shipping
  • documentation


Display Licht -Schaltung
Integrated control display for filling tolerances

... all data can be viewed and checked at a glance, ensured by red-green-yellow LEDs as well as by the bar graph in the display. In addition, large keys and acoustic acknowledgement ensure fault-free operation - also when wearing gloves. On account of its stainless steel housing with its smooth surfaces and rounded edges, the BT can be cleaned easily and meets all hygiene and safety regulations.

Installation as requested

The industrial terminal BT proves its adaptability; firstly, it can be combined with various load receptors; secondly, it can be used as a tabletop, wall-mounted or column-mounted unit, and it can be used for mobile operation, running on battery packs.

BT Terminal

Unit on a stainless steel column

Suitable for many branches of industry

The high type of protection ensures that the BT can be operated in an demanding environment as well as in a rough climate. On account of its robustness, it can be employed in numerous fields of industry without any problems:

  • food and meat processing industry
  • pharmaceutical and chemical industryCan-dien-tu
  • plastic, metal and electric industry
  • BT-B for applications in potentially explosive areas with safety barrier

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