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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Trang chủ CÂN ĐIỆN TỬ Cân Điện Tử Bizerba Cân BizerbaTerminals The variants of ST terminal for potentially explosive environments - zone 1/21.

The variants of ST terminal for potentially explosive environments - zone 1/21.

The variants of ST terminal for potentially explosive environments - zone 1/21.

Mã sp: BZB1003
Nhãn hiệu: Bizerba
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Can dien tu Bizerba BZB1003

The ST-Ex terminals for Ex Zone 1 and 21 are very versatile and can be used in the chemicals, petrochemicals, pharmaceutical and plastics industries (paint filling, gas filling).

can-dien-tuThe ST-Ex terminals boast the latest technology and an attractive, stylish design. They come ready for use and fully installed as standard in a high-grade steel housing and are easy to clean. The high protection type IP68 protects the ST-Ex terminal against corrosion, dust and water wherever it is used. In particular, its especially resistant and easy-to-clean high-grade steel housing also enables the ST-Ex terminal to be used in sensitive areas. The LCD (liquid crystal display) has back lighting and offers particularly good legibility because the reading angle can also be individually adjusted via the housing. The clear membrane keypad can be operated very easily and reliably thanks to a noticeable mechanical pressure point. Freely assignable and configurable function keys allow definable weighing functions to be called up directly. The high-grade steel housing is suitable for setting up on a tabletop and for wall mounting, but can also be combined with a universal pedestal. The ST-Ex terminals enable two load carriers to be connected. Intrinsically safe interfaces allow connection to PCs, EDP printers or readers via data isolating amplifiers. The intrinsically safe parallel interfaces allow the direct connection of proximity initiators and Namur isolating amplifiers or - via control buffer stages - the connection of a relay/PLC controller, sensors, solenoid valves and LEDs.

An extremely broad application spectrum

  • Weighing and registering
  • Dosing / recipe management
  • Picking
  • Terminal mode / EDP
  • Counting
  • Control
  • Dispatch

Can be used all over the world

Can be used internationally in many different applications with static or dynamic weighing, with manual operation or in fully-automatic mode. The terminal is approved in accordance with OIML, NTEP, PTB regulations, UL any many more, which means that your applications can also be successfully used internationally.

Top features

Fully enclosed in a high-grade steel housing, ready for use and easy to clean. The high protection type IP 68 creates the right conditions for use, even in unfavourable ambient conditions. Irrespective of where it is used, the ST terminal is thus protected against corrosion, dust and water.

Membrane keypad and display (in "Counting" mode)

The clear membrane keypad can be operated very easily and reliably thanks to a noticeable mechanical pressure point. Freely assignable and configurable function keys allow definable weighing functions to be called up directly. The especially resistant and easy-to-clean high-grade steel housing make the ST-Ex terminal particularly suitable for use in sensitive areas.
The high-grade steel housing is suitable for setting up on a tabletop and for wall mounting, but can also be combined with a universal column.
The ST terminals allow up to three load carriers to be connected. Connection to precision scales, a PLC controller, a PC, printer or reader is possible via serial and parallel interfaces.

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