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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Trang chủ CÂN ĐIỆN TỬ Cân Điện Tử Bizerba Cân BizerbaTerminals The variants of the ITU terminal for potentially explosive environments - zone 1/21

The variants of the ITU terminal for potentially explosive environments - zone 1/21

The variants of the ITU terminal for potentially explosive environments - zone 1/21

Mã sp: BZB1006
Nhãn hiệu: Bizerba
Giá bán: Call
Bình chọn:
(Rating:5 - View 1410)
Chia sẻ :

Cân điện tử Bizerba BZB1006

Universal terminal with remote control unit in a high-grade steel housing for EX Zone 1/21 in accordance with 94/9/EC (ATEX).

The clear, freely programmable graphic display of the remote control unit guides the user through all applications, including complex ones. All information for the work sequence is displayed and updated constantly. Superimposed text notices, the selection of stored data from the internal database, entry boxes with plausibility checks etc. provide constant and reliable guidance for the user through the operating sequence. The alphanumeric keypad makes it very easy to enter texts (e.g. customer names) during the operating sequence.

Complete interfaces

The evaluation electronics is installed in the Ex-free area. All peripheral devices are connected directly to the various standard interfaces. There is no need to interconnect Ex buffer stages.

Top features are standard with Bizerba

The Bizerba ITU-Ex boasts the latest technology and a high-grade steel design in line with industrial requirements. A wide variety of important performance features are available to the user. These range from the graphics-capable display to the individual programming of operating sequences right through to free printed image configuration. Programmes, including customer-specific ones, article and customer data, control sequences and printed images can be saved in the ITU-Ex with password protection.


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