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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Bizerba Pesa ParcelPilot DWS

Bizerba Pesa ParcelPilot DWS

Mã sp: BZB1013
Nhãn hiệu: Bizerba
Giá bán: Call
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Chia sẻ :

Pesa combines dimensioning and weighing into an innovative DWS (dimensioning, weighing and scanning) system together with bar code reading.


Pesa ParcelPilot DWS

... Top performance threefold …

ParcelPilot DWS allows, for example, optimum use of the space in transport vehicles, speedy determination of the best place to put a package for storage, and in particular the accurate measurement of both volume and weight for the purpose of fee calculation.

Make full use of potentials. The key to success in the logistics business is combining the wide variety of transport systems and networks into a functioning whole - faster, more economical and more reliable than ever before. Consequently, future-orientated logistics systems are becoming increasingly important. Not only do they support the speedy and targeted movement, storage and provision of goods, they also make the processes more transparent and safer via the simultaneously provided data. Wherever there is a need to speed up and automate processes and sequences, Pesa solutions ensure that crucial advantage over the competition. The latest development - ParcelPilot DWS - combines dimensioning, weighing and scanning in one system, and in so doing defines superior standards in performance and cost efficiency. Because only the matching of the volume weight and the actual weight creates the basis for deciding volume and weight fees in accordance with IATA standards.

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