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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT

Trang chủ CÂN ĐIỆN TỬ Cân Điện Tử Bizerba Dynamic scales Checkweigher CWE Automatic scales for your quality control in the lower weight range

Checkweigher CWE Automatic scales for your quality control in the lower weight range

Checkweigher CWE Automatic scales for your quality control in the lower weight range

Mã sp: BZB1009
Nhãn hiệu: Bizerba
Giá bán: Call
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(Rating:5 - View 1595)
Chia sẻ :

Cân điện tử Bizerba CWE 

A possible record for self-service packagingCan-dien-tu

Depending on the type of packs, the operating
environment and customer-specific
requirements, Bizerba CWE systems can
operate at a maximum belt speed of 120
metres / minute in the 10g to 15,000g weight
range. Cleaning is just as quick and easy
thanks to our own quick-change system for
the belt body and belt. Nothing has been
overlooked, and all design details of these
checkweighers, which are designed to conform
to the latest machine directives for high-grade
steel, Protection Class IP 65, fulfil the strictest
requirements with respect to ease of
maintenance, safety and handling.


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