The CWP Neptune has been designed in accordance with European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG) criteria. The result is an ergonomic scales with a minimum number of parts and a maximum level of food safety for perishable and unpackaged food stuffs.

CWP Neptune checkweigher
Less space for germs, shorter cleaning cycles, lower maintenance costs
- The machine does not require driver or guide rollers as it comprises a single conveyor belt and motor.
- If product waste falls off the belt, it cannot enter the machine or find its way back into the packaging flow.
- The conveyor belt can be dismounted quickly and easily; the load cell is hermetically welded.
- Corrosion resulting from cleaning fluid and water entering the scales is a thing of the past.
- Pressurised water is used for the regular cleaning of parts.
- Fewer parts subject to wear mean expensive down times are avoided.