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Sản phẩm TOSHIBA đạt tiêu chuẩn Bộ Công Thương
Thông tư 30/2011/TT-BCT



Mã sp: Vigor2950Gi
Nhãn hiệu: Draytek
Giá bán: Call
Bình chọn:
(Rating:4 - View 1941)
Chia sẻ :

1. Giao thức WAN

  • Ethernet
  • ISDN

2. Dual WAN

  • Outbound policy based Load Balance

3. VPN

  • Giao thức : PPTP, IPSec, L2TP, L2TP over IPSec
  • Hỗ trợ 200 kênh VPN
  • VPN Trunking
  • LDAP
  • VPN Throughput
  • NAT-Traversal (NAT-T)
  • PKI Certificate : Digital signature (X.509)
  • Chứng thực bằng IKE : Pre-shared key; IKE phase 1 aggressive/standard modes & phase 2 selectable lifetimes
  • Chứng thực : Hardware-based MD5, SHA-1
  • Mã hóa : MPPE and hardware-based AES/DES/3DES
  • RADIUS Client
  • Tính năng DHCP thông qua IPSec
  • Tính năng Dead Peer Detection (DPD)
  • Smart VPN Software Utility
  • Easy of Adoption
  • Industrial-standard Interoperability

4. Lọc nội dung

  • Chặng URL bằng từ khóa
  • Lọc nội dung web
  • Time Schedule Control

5. Tường lửa

  • Phòng chống xâm nhập (SPI)
  • Quản lý bảo mật (CSM)
  • Multi-NAT
  • Port Redirection
  • Open Ports
  • DMZ Host
  • Policy-based IP Packet Filter
  • Ngăn chặn tấn công từ chối dịch vụ
  • Ngăn chặn địa chỉ IP gián điệp
  • Object-based Firewall
  • Notification
  • Gán IP cố định theo địa chỉ MAC
  • WDS Security

6. Wireless Access Point

  • Wireless VLAN (Wireless LAN Isolation)
  • MAC address Access Control
  • VPN over WLAN
  • 64/128-bit WEP
  • Hidden SSID
  • 802.1X Authentication with RADIUS Client
  • WPA/WPA2
  • Wireless Distribution System ( WDS)
  • AP Discovery
  • Wireless Rate Control

7. Quản lý

  • Giao diện web (HTTP/HTTPS)
  • Hỗ trợ cấu hình nhanh từng bước
  • User Administration
  • Giao diện dòng lệnh ( Command Line Interface, Telnet/SSH)
  • DHCP Client/Relay/Server
  • Dynamic DNS
  • Kiểm soát truy cập quyền quản trị
  • Cấu hình sao lưu / phục hồi
  • Port-based VLAN
  • Hỗ trợ chức năng dự đoán
  • NTP Client/Call Scheduling
  • Nâng cấp firmware thông qua TFTP/HTTP/FTP
  • Remote Maintenance
  • Wake On LAN
  • Ghi nhật ký thông qua phần mềm Syslog đi kèm
  • SNMP Management

8. Quản lý băng thông

  • Traffic Shaping
  • Bandwidth Reservation
  • Packet Size Control
  • Phân loại DiffServ Codepoint
  • Hỗ trợ 4 cấp độ ưu tiên (Inbound/Outbound)
  • Individual IP Bandwidth/Session Limitation
  • Vay mượn băng thông khi cần
  • User-defined Class-based Rules

9. Chức năng Routing

  • Router
  • Advanced Routing and Forwarding
  • DNS
  • DHCP
  • NTP
  • Policy-based Routing
  • Dynamic Routing
  • Static Routing

10. ISDN

  • Secure Call Back
  • Remote Activation
  • Băng thông theo yêu cầu
  • Remote Dial-in Access
  • Virtual TA

11. Tính năng quản lý bảo mật CSM (Content Security Management)

  • Lọc URL bằng từ khóa - whitelist or blacklist specific sites or keyword in URLs
  • Ngăn chặn website theo từng loại (subject to subscription)
  • Ngăn chặn việc truy cập website bằng cách sử dụng direct IP address (thus URLs only)
  • Khóa tự động việc download các ứng dụng Java applets and Active X controls
  • Ngăn các cookies của website
  • Khóa việc download các file có định dạng theo nhóm như: media, binary, compressed
  • Time schedules & exclusions for enabling/disabling these restrictions
  • Ngăn các ứng dụng  P2P (Peer-to-Peer) và các chương trình chia sẽ dữ liệu (e.g. Kazaa, WinMX etc.)
  • Ngăn chặn các ứng dụng chat (e.g. IRC, MSN/Yahoo Messenger)

12. Hỗ trợ

  • Smart Monitor (Free & Optional Utility ): Network service analyze, User Management, System Management, System Management, Top10 ranking system, Up to 100 PC Users
  • Nâng cấp Firmware : Nâng cấp miễn phí thông qua Internet

13. Declaration of Conformity

Giao diện phần cứng LAN 5 cổng 10/100/1000 base-TX switch
WAN 2 cổng 10/100 base-TX Ethernet
WLAN IEEE802.11b/g compliant, Super G™ 108Mbps
ISDN 1 cổng RJ-45
Giao thức WAN Ethernet PPPoE, PPTP, DHCP client, static IP, L2TP, BPA
ISDN DSS1 (Euro ISDN), PPP, ML-PPP (64/128Kbps)
Dual WAN Outbound Policy Based Load Balance
  • Allow your local network to access Internet using multiple Internet connections with high-level of Internet connectivity availability
  • Two dedicated Ethernet WAN ports (10/100Mb/s)
  • WAN fail-over or load-balanced connectivity
Băng thông theo yêu cầu service/IP based preference rules or auto-weight
VPN Các giao thức PPTP, IPSec, L2TP, L2TP over IPSec
Hỗ trợ 200 kênh VPN LAN to LAN, remote access (teleworker-to-LAN), dial-in or dial-out
VPN Trunking VPN load-balancing and VPN backup
SSL VPN Allow users to use a web browser for secure remote user login tunnel mode, application mode, proxy mode
LDAP Lightweight directory access protocol. The enterprises use LDAP authentication technology to allow administrator, IT personnel and users to be authenticated when trying to access company's intranet environment.
VPN Throughput 50Mbps
NAT-Traversal (NAT-T) VPN over routes without VPN pass-through
PKI certificate Digital signature (X.509)
Chứng thực bằng IKE Pre-shared key; IKE phase 1 aggressive/standard modes & phase 2 selectable lifetimes
Chứng thực Hardware-based MD5, SHA-1
Mã hóa MPPE and hardware-based AES/DES/3DES
RADIUS Client Authentication for PPTP remote dial-in
Tính năng DHCP thông qua IPSec Because DrayTek add a virtual NIC on the PC, thus, while connecting to the server via IPSec tunnel, PC will obtain an IP address from the remote side through DHCP protocol, which is quite similar with PPTP
Dead Peer Detection (DPD) When there is traffic between the peers, it is not necessary for one peer to send a keep-alive to check for liveness of the peer because the IPSec traffic serves as implicit proof of the availability of the peer
Smart VPN software Utility Provided free of charge for teleworker convenience ( Windows environment)
Easy of Adoption No additional client or remote site licensing required
Industrial-standard Interoperability Compatible with other leading 3rd party vendor VPN devices
Lọc nội dung Ngăn chặn URL bằng từ khóa
  • Danh sách trắng và danh sách đen
  • Khóa các ứng dụng Java applet, cookies, active X, compressed, executable, multimedia file
Lọc nội dung web Dynamic URL filtering database
Thiết lập chính sách lọc gói theo thời gian cố định Set rule according to your specific office hours
Firewall Phòng chống xâm nhập bằng gói tin (SPI) Outgoing/Incoming traffic inspection based on connection information
Content Security Management (CSM) Appliance-based gateway security and content filtering
Multi-NAT You have been allocated multiple public IP address by your ISP. You hence can have a one-to-one relationship between a public IP address and an internal/private IP address. This means that you have the protection of NAT(see earlier) but the PC can be addressed directly from the outside world by its aliased public IP address, but still by only opening specific ports to it (for example TCP port 80 for an http/web server)
Port Redirection The packet is forwarded to a specific local PC if the port number matches with the defined port number. You can also translate the external port to another port locally
Open Ports As port redirection (above) but allows you to define a range of ports
DMZ Host This opens up a single PC completely. All incoming packets will be forwarded onto the PC with the local IP address you set. The only exceptions are packets received in response to outgoing requests from other local PC or incoming packets which match rules in the other two methods.
The precedence is as follows :
Port Redirection > Open Ports > DMZ
Policy-based IP Packet Filter The header information of an IP packet (IP or MAC source/destination addresses; source/destination ports; DiffServ attribute; direction dependent, bandwidth dependent, remote-site dependent
Phòng chống tấn công từ chối dịch vụ Act of preventing customers, users, clients or other computers from accessing data on a computer
Phòng chống mạo danh địa chỉ IP Source IP address check on all interface: only IP address classified within the defined IP networks are allowed
Object-based Firewall Utilizes object-oriented approach to firewall policy
Notification E-mail alert and logging via syslog
Gán IP cố định theo địa chỉ MAC Flexible DHCP with 'IP-MAC binding
WDS Security The use of authentication and encryption techniques on a Wireless Distribution System (WDS) link between compatible access points
Wireless Access Point Wireless VLAN ( Wireless LAN Isolation) Blocks users in a VLAN from sending traffic directly to each other
MAC Address Access Control Authorizes a defined IP user to use WLAN;this is used by the LAN to identify each client uniquely in order to switch packets correctly
VPN over WLAN Create a secure tunnel between wireless client PC and the router, over the existing wireless connection , thus providing greater security as the traffic between that wireless client and the router is then encrypted and within a private tunnel using IPSec/3DES encryption (or as selected)
64/128-bit WEP WEP ( Wireless Encryption Protocol) is a method of data encryption for wireless clients, which makes the sending of your data over the wireless interface more secure. By default, WEP is turned off on the router
Hidden SSID Prevent from Wireless sniffing
802.1X Authentication with RADIUS Client IEEE standard for port-based network access control. The authenticator acts like a security guard to a protected WLAN network
WPA/WPA2 An authentication/encryption standard from the WiFi Alliance; WPA is intended to replace WEP encryption, being considered to be more secure and is a pre-cursor to the eventual IEEE 802.11i standard
Wireless Distribution System (WDS) Provides bridged traffic between two LANs through air. Extend the coverage of a WLAN
AP Discovery Scan all regulatory channels and find working access points in the neighborhood. Users will know which channel is clean for usage
Wireless Rate Control Manage upload/download rate of each VLAN or station
Quản lý Giao diện web ( HTTP/HTTPS) Integrated web server for the configuration of routers via Internet browsers with HTTP or HTTPS
Hướng dẫn cấu hình nhanh từng bước Let administrator adjust time zone and promptly set up the Internet (PPPoE, PPTP, Static IP, DHCP)
User Administration RADIUS user administration for dial-in access (PPP/PPTP and ISDN CLIP)
CLI (Command Line Interface, Telnet/SSH) Remotely administer computers via the telnet
DHCP Client/Relay/Server Provides an easy-to configure function for your local IP network
Dynamic DNS When you connect to your ISP, by broadband or ISDN you are normally allocated an dynamic IP address. i.e. the public IP address your router is allocated changes each time you connect to the ISP. If you want to run a local server, remoter users cannot predict your current IP address to find you
Kiểm soát truy cập quyền quản trị The password can be applied to authentication of administrators
Cấu hình sao lưu / phục hồi If the hardware breaks down, you can recover the failed system within an acceptable time. Through TFTP, the effective way is to backup and restore configuration between remote hosts
Port-based VLAN Create separate groups of users via segmenting each of the Ethernet ports. Hence, they can or can't communicate with users in other segments as required
Hỗ trợ chức năng dự đoán Dial-out trigger, routing table, ARP cache table, DHCP table, NAT sessions table, wireless VLAN online station table, data flow monitor, traffic graph, ping diagnosis, trace route
NTP Client/Call Scheduling The Vigor has a real time clock which can update itself from your browser manually or more conveniently automatically from an Internet time server (NTP). This enables you to schedule the router to dial-out to the Internet at a preset time, or restrict INternet access to certain hours. A schedule can also be applied to LAN-to-LAN profiles (VPN or direct dial) or some of the content filtering options
Nâng cấp Firmware thông qua FTFTP/HTTP/FTP Using the TFTP server and the firmware upgrade utility software, you may easily upgrade to the latest firmware whenever enhanced features are added
ISDN Remote Maintenance The system manager can remotely manage the routers through an ISDN remote dial-in with Secure call back mechanism
Remote Maintenance With Telnet/SSL, SSH (with password or public key), browser (HTTP/HTTPS). TFTP or SNMP, firmware upgrade via HTTP/HTTPS or TFTP
Wake On LAN A PC on LAN can be woken up from an idle/stand by state by the router it connects when it receives a special 'wake up' packet on its Ethernet interface
Logging via Syslog Syslog is a method of logging router activity
SNMP Management SNMP management via SNMP V2, MIB II
Quản lý băng thông Traffic Shaping Dynamic bandwidth management with IP traffic shaping
Thiết lập tỉ lệ băng thông theo ý muốn Reserve minimum and maximum bandwidths by connection based or total data through send/receive directions
Kiểm soát kích thước gói tin Specify size of data packet
DiffServ Codepoint Classifying Priority queuing of packets based on DiffServ
Hỗ trợ 4 cấp độ ưu tiên (Inbound/Outbound) Prioritization in terms of Internet usage
Individual IP Bandwidth/Session Limitation Define session/bandwidth limitation based on IP address
Vay mượn băng thông Transmission rates control of data services through packet scheduler
User-defined Class-based Rules More flexibility
Chức năng Routing Router IP and NetBIOS/IP-multi-protocol router
Advanced Routing and Forwarding Complete independent management and configuration of IP networks in the device, i.e. individual settings for DHCP, DNS, firewall, VLAN, routing, QoS etc
DNS DNS cache/proxy
DHCP DHCP client/relay/server
NTP NTP client, automatic adjustment for daylight-saving time
Policy-based Routing Based on firewall rules, certain data types are marked for specific routing, e.g. to particular remote sites or lines
Dynamic Routing It is with routing protocol of RIP v2. Learning and propagating routes; separate settings for WAN and LAN
Static Routing An instruction to re-route particular traffic through to another local gateway, instead of sending it onto the Internet with the rest of the traffic. A static route is just like a 'diversion sign' on a road
ISDN Functionality Secure Call Back Access control, Consolidation and centralization of phone billing. Cost savings on toll calls
Remote Activation Allows a remote user to make a phone call to a router and then ask router to dial up to the ISP
Bandwidth on Demand As the ISDN BRI interface has two independent B channels, the BoD mechanism allows you to automatically add/drop a B channel according to data traffic throughput
Remote Dial-in Access Allow remote users to utilize company's Internet resources and remote management
Virtual TA This provides a 'CAPI' software interface, similar to that which an actual ISDN terminal adaptor installed on your PC might provide. This allows you to install CAPI-compliant software for dial-up networking, fax or voice activities - depending on the capabilities of your CAPI software. CAPI is only available on ISDN lines
Internet CSM (Content Security Management) Featuring Lọc URL bằng từ khóa - danh sách trằng hoặc danh sách đen hoặc từ khóa trong URLs
Ngăn chặn website theo từng loại (subject to subscription)
Ngăn chặn việc truy cập website bằng cách sử dụng direct IP address (thus URLs only)
Ngăn chặn việc tự động download các ứng dụng Java applets and Active X controls
Ngăn chặn các cookies của website
Block http downloads of file types (binary, compressed, multimedia)
Time schedules & exclusions for enabling/disabling these restrictions
Khóa các ứng dụng P2P (Peer-to-Peer) và các chương trình chia sẽ dữ liệu (e.g. Kazaa, WinMX etc.)
Ngăn chặn các ứng dụng chat (e.g. IRC, MSN/Yahoo Messenger)
Hỗ trợ Smart Monitor (Free & Optional Utility ) Network service analyze, User Management, System Management, System Management, Top10 ranking system, Up to 100 PC Users
Bảo hành 1 năm
Nâng cấp Firmware Nâng cấp firmware miễn phí
Declaration of Conformity
Nhiệt độ Làm việc : 0°C ~ 45°C
Không làm việc : -25°C ~ 70°C
Độ ẩm 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)
Công suất tối đa 22 Watt
Kích thước L273 * W166 * H44.6 (mm)
Nguồn AC 100~240V, 50/60Hz


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call

VigorTalk ATA-24

Giá bán: Call

Draytek Vigor V120

Giá bán: Call

Draytek V2700V

Giá bán: Call

Draytek V2700G

Giá bán: Call

DrayTek V2820

Giá bán: Call

DrayTek Ext

Giá bán: Call

Draytek Vigor V2700

Giá bán: Call

DrayTek V3300B Plus

Giá bán: Call

Draytek V2820N

Giá bán: Call

Draytek Vigor V2910V

Giá bán: Call

DrayTek Vigor V2910VG

Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call


Giá bán: Call

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